Filología, Historiografía y Crítica textual

Escuela de Estudios Árabes (EEA)-CSIC, Granada

SH-Social Sciences and Humanities

SH5 Cultures and Cultural Production

El Grupo de Investigación «Filología, Historiografía y Crítica Textual» de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes se centra en el estudio de la cultura y la civilización árabo-islámicas a través de sus manifestaciones escritas y orales, con especial atención a al-Andalus. Las principales disciplinas cultivadas son Historia, Derecho, Prosopografía, Epigrafía y Lingüística.
Sus objetivos científicos son, entre otros:

  • Dar a conocer nuevas fuentes para el estudio de la historia y el derecho islámicos mediante la edición, la traducción y el estudio de manuscritos y documentos árabes y romances.
  • Analizar y catalogar las inscripciones epigráficas árabes de al-Andalus.
  • Estudiar las instituciones jurídicas de al-Andalus.
  • Investigar los factores internos y externos que favorecen la variación y el cambio lingüístico de la lengua árabe.
  • Estudiar la transmisión del conocimiento en al-Andalus, así como el impacto que tuvo en el Oriente islámico el conocimiento generado en esa región.


Luis Molina Martínez  (responsable) 

Montserrat Benitez Fernández

Juan Rafael Castilla Brazales

Mayte Penelas specializes in Arab cultural history in Medieval Iberia, manuscript studies, and textual transmission in the Mediterranean, with a focus on Andalusi historical literature and its impact on the Islamic East. She has participated in various research projects funded by the Spanish National Research Plan, and is currently the lead researcher – along with Maribel Fierro – of the project Al-Andalus and the Magrib in the Islamic East: mobility, migration and memory, AMOI II (PID2020-116680GB-I00 MCIN/AEI). She is also a member of the EC Project Mediating Islam in the Digital Age. Present issues and past experiences of technological revolutions, MIDA (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, no. 813547). She teaches master’s level classes at the University of Granada. She has been involved in the elaboration of the PUA database (, and has recently published Al-Maqrīzī’s al-Ḫabar ʿan al-bašar, Vol. V, Chapter 6: Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Franks, and Goths within the “Bibliotheca Maqriziana” series of Brill. She is currently the director of the School of Arabic Studies, CSIC, of Granada.

Ana María Carballeira Debasa‘s areas of research are related to the social, economic and legal history of al-Andalus. Currently, she focuses on the study of legal institutions of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada and its evolution after the Castilian conquest. She was Research Scholar at the Institut d’Études de l’Islam et des Sociétés du Monde Musulman (EHESS), as well as Visiting Scholar at the Islamic Legal Studies Program (Harvard University) and at the Institut de Recherches et d’Études sur les Mondes Arabes et Musulmans (CNRS). She was a member of various national and international research projects; in the framework of the Spanish National Research Plan, she has been PI of the project “La Granada nazarí en el siglo XV: microhistoria de una entidad islámica en Occidente” (FFI2016-79252-P) and currently is co-PI of the project “La sociedad nazarí en el siglo XV: aplicación del derecho y administración del Estado (SONADE)” (PID2020-118989GB-I00). Her most recent monograph is Libro de los habices de la Alpujarra de 1530. Edición, estudio e índices de un manuscrito del Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Granada (Helsinki, 2018).

Estefanía Valenzuela Mochón (Junta de Andalucía’s postdoctoral researcher) specializes in the study of written Arabic, with a special interest in the language of Arabic manuscripts produced in the Islamic West. Her work focuses on the analysis of non-standard features in written sources from this region and similar occurrences in other written and oral varieties of Arabic. She has taught undergraduate Arabic courses at the University of Texas in Austin (August 2016-May 2018). She was awarded a Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) to compile a corpus of early and medieval Arabic manuscripts held in European and North African libraries (September 2018-August 2019). She earned her PhD in “Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures” from the University of Texas at Austin in 2020. She is a member of the program “Arabic Sociolinguistics and Linguistic Anthropology” (i-LINK+2020 LINKB20056). Her current research examines non-standard written practices in the Western hisba manuals and the expression of modalities in Arabic. She currently holds a postdoctoral researcher position at the School of Arabic Studies in Granada.

Justin  Benavidez (Contratado Marie-Sklodowska-Curie)

Abdenour Padillo Saoud (Contratado predoctoral FPI)