The Way We Are Ruled. Exhibiting Invisible Institutions.

Institutions are social artefacts. They are there because we make them. But in turn they make us, too. And they differ in time and space. They thus produce marked differences in historical trajectories.

Since they are part of people’s own make up, it is hard to think beyond them. It is difficult to conceive of other forms of social organizations, other institutional landscapes. This is why we must think deeply about institutions. They are not just background noise or pre-existing frameworks, they are manifestations of power. They order and shape human lives, past and present.

In order to understand how such institutional landscapes are shaped, we must understand their history; and understanding their history means comprehending how institutions shaped differences and enabled interactions between societies.

All of this is what the PIMIC project is about.

 The aim of the Exhibition The Way We Are Ruled. Exhibiting Invisible Institutionsis to provide lasting outreach to PIMIC project’s training through the development of a travelling exhibition. This exhibition was first displayed within the context of the PIMIC-ITN Forum. Inquiry into the Consequences of PIMIC in the Contemporary World, held in London 24th and 25th, June 2016 and, in the same month, in the library of the University of St. Andrews. It consists of nine panels composed by maps, illustrations, textual and photographic material. A translated version of the exhibition will play an important  part in Madrid’s Science Week 2016.

The Exhibition The Way We Are Ruled. Exhibiting Invisible Institutions is under licence Creative Commons and it can be freely dowloaded for any educational purpose. You can download a low resolution pdf. However, should you be interested in the editable panels we can send them to you freely.