Call for papers «The migration of objects between Islam and Christianity in the medieval and early modern Mediterranean: new uses, new meanings»

Fecha límite: 10 de marzo 2023Fecha: 15-16 de junio 2023Lugar:  Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina) Coordinadores científicos: Mercedes García-Arenal (, Ana Rodríguez ( y Antonio Urquízar-Herrera (   Co-organizado por: IS-LE COST Action…

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Seminario MEDhis: The Portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad as Teacher in Eastern and Western Hadith and Sira Works

Jens Scheiner (Geog-August-Universität Göttingen) Resumen:When reading Hadith and Sira works closely one detects several traditions in which Muhammad’s teaching activities are described. These traditions from Ibn Hisham’s Sira, the six Sunni Hadith works as well as Ibn…

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Seminario MEDhis:  The Portrayal of the Prophet Muhammad as Teacher in Eastern and Western Hadith and Sira Works
Source / Bibliothèque natonale de France. Département des manuscrits. Arabe 5847

‘Digitalizing Humanities. Humanizing Digitalization’

Online Congress organized by: Enrique Capdevila (Petrifying Wealth-IH) and Arturo Guerrero (EuQu-ILC) MEDhis-Petrifying Wealth-EuQu FIRST SESSION: SECOND SESSION: HDDH_diptico_13_10_2021Descarga

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